A CALL: Join the Black is Back Conference to consolidate our National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination

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On November 6, 2016, two days before the presidential election, the Black is Back Coalition is conducting our National Conference to consolidate a National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination in Washington, D.C.

We are calling on Africans from throughout the U.S. to come out and put your imprint on our own agenda.

The Black is Back Coalition has declared the need for our people to take our future in our own hands, independent of the influence and interests of the two major ruling class parties and their capitalist sponsors.

We reject the notion that our fears of Donald Trump or our dependency on the Democratic Party of Clinton and Sanders should be allowed to determine our future.

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations has endeavored for the seven years of our existence to build a movement that will forge our own anti-imperialist agenda for black self-determination.

We have struggled to call attention to the treachery of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party who respond to the crisis of imperialism and the decline of white power by escalating U.S. wars against the peoples of the Middle East, South America and our People in Africa and the U.S.

In addition to our opposition to the U.S. drone assassinations in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Africa, our Coalition denounced the U.S. looting of Haiti and the UN colonial occupation of our heroic people on that island.

The Black is Back Coalition damned the war against the Mexican and other indigenous people within the current borders of the U.S. that rests on stolen land of a people who experienced near-genocide in the creation of the U.S.

We were in Ferguson and Baltimore as a part of the black struggles being waged against a regime of police murders of our people that has finally assumed a political character thanks, in no small measure, to the work of our Coalition.

The Black is Back Coalition was the only organization that responded to the incessant police murder of our people with a coherent demand of Black Community Control of the Police with a national conference held in Ferguson/St. Louis, Missouri in 2015.

It was our Coalition that denounced the mass imprisonment of African people that continues to destabilize our impoverished communities and functions as another arm of white colonial terror.

We have created organizational Working Groups to respond to the numerous political prisoners that have given their all for our freedom; we have organized a Health Working Group that is responsive to the health issues that are endemic to our colonial condition.

The issue of reparations is also given concrete political significance through the work of the Coalition Working Group dedicated to that task.

The Black is Back Coalition has achieved the most important task of uniting a diverse sector of the black community that, despite our ideological and political differences, has agreed to principles of unity that demand self-determination for our people and an anti-imperialist unity with the suffering and struggling peoples of the world.

On April 9 the Black is Back Coalition conducted a National Conference on the 2016 election in Harlem, New York. This was our reply to the arrogant two dominant ruling class parties that clearly assume our people have no independent alternative to the cruel, self-serving imperialist agendas they offer.

On November 5 our Coalition will prove them wrong.

With the support and participation of the African community within the U.S. we will come together in Washington, D.C. and complete our own independent National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination.

On August 13th and 14th, the Black is Back Coalition will hold a preparatory conference in Philadelphia to build for the November 6th National Conference to consolidate our own, independent National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination.

On November 5, one day prior to the D.C. our Coalition will conduct our traditional Washington, D.C. rally and march on the White House.

The Black is Back Coalition is calling on the black community of the U.S. to come out in great numbers to contribute to the success of this historic endeavor.

Forward to Philly on August 13th and 14th!

All out for Washington, D.C. for our November 5th march and rally for self-determination!

Build and attend the November 6th conference to consolidate our own, independent National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. felicia clayton

    Hi what is the time for August 27th and 14th I would like to attend

  2. felicia clayton

    I meant what time is the event in Philly on August 13th and 14th I would like to attend

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