Support prisoner resistance on Sept. 9th, the 45th Anniversary of the Attica prison uprising

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations  (BIBC)unites with the call by the NJ Decarcerate the Garden State and the People’s Organization for Progress to stand in solidarity on September 9th,  the 45th anniversary of the Attica Prison uprising, with those who are currently incarcerated who are demanding an end  to prison slave labor and who are also demanding an end to the brutal, horrific injustices of the prison industrial complex.    The prison system has never been about rehabilitation, but is instead another corporate sham, whereby private industries are allowed to own prisons and to make massive profits from the over incarceration of communities of color for non-violent offenses.  And whereby the 13th amendment literally allows for…

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Coalition Declares Black Self-Determination Back on the Agenda

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by BAR executive editor Glen Ford  After two generations of “Black social disintegration, economic retrogression and political confusion” ushered in through the collaboration of the Black Misleadership Class, “Black people have rediscovered and revived the Black Radical Tradition, with self-determination at the core.” The Black is Back Coalition is promulgating a groundbreaking 19-point Black political agenda entirely “formulated through the prism of Black self-determination.” There have always been two main political imperatives in Black America. One has sought “representation” at all levels within the surrounding, hostile, white supremacist society, and celebrates the elevation of individual Blacks to high social, political and economic status. As a practical matter, under this kind of politics, the condition of the Black masses is secondary --…

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