Black is Back speakers call for “Next Day” action on Ferguson Grand Jury decision

  • Post category:News

On Saturday, November 1, as hundreds of people prepared to march on the White House demanding “Peace through Revolution,” Lawrence Hamm, Chairman of People’s Organization for Progress and member of the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations (BIBC) called for mass mobilizations on the day after the announcement of a grand jury decision that vindicates Darren Wilson, the Ferguson cop who murdered Michael Brown.

The following day, November 2, at the BIBC’s “Peace through Revolution” Teach-in, BIBC Chairman Omali Yeshitela repeated the call for people to “be in the streets on the next day after the grand jury says that Darren Wilson is not a murderer.” He called for organizers throughout the world to, “be prepared to act on the determination of that grand jury in Ferguson.”

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rev. Ralph Galen

    I spoke with Gaida today. Thanks for your conversation and good words. I hope we can stay in touch.
    Thank you for your great work.
    Take good care,
    Ralph Galen
    Affiliate Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Wakefield, MA
    Coordinator, Transformative Justice Project

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