Black Power Matters Nov. Mobilization in Washington DC

  • Post category:Analysis / News


The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations maintains that if the  rampant  government sanctioned police terror and murder of Black people are to end, then the Black Community must take Black Community Control of the Police, which includes the community assuming full responsibility and authority for policing our communities, with the power to hire, fire, set standards, and to determine training for the police, etc.

Join us in  D.C on November 7th and 8th  as we continue to implement our campaign for Black Community Control of the Police.   On Saturday, November 7th at 12:00 pm there will be a rally  in Malcolm X Park, on 16th and Euclid Sts, NW.    At 2:00 pm we will begin the march to the White House and finish with a rally at Lafayette Park.

On Sunday, November 8th, we will convene a conference at the Blackburn Center Auditorium at Howard University, 2397 6th Street, NW at 12:00 – 6:00 pm to discuss strategies for implementing black power via black community control of the police, reparations, freeing political prisoners,  revolutionizing healthcare, etc.

U.S. capitalism and  imperialism is constructed upon the violence and blood of Africans and  indigenous  people the world over.  Its ideological foundation is racism, the unbridled hatred and disdain of Africans and other communities of color and it implements systems of coercion such as the police state, the prison industrial complex, the medical industrial complex, the school to prison pipeline, and the military to terrorize its victims into a permanent state of subjugation.

That is why the demand for Black Community Control Over the Police is an imperative toward actualizing  Black Power and toward dismantling this brutal system of terror.   That is why the Black is Back Coalition calls on the African masses to go to,  to download the Black Community Control of the Police Kits,   to get the petitions signed,  and to demand that your city councils pass resolutions in support of  Black Community Control of the Police.   That is why we call on you to join us in DC on November 7th and 8th to formulate plans of action and to strategize, strategize, strategize.    Without black power, black lives will never matter.