Forward to the Black is Back Coalition’s 15th Annual Black People’s March on the White House
November 4, 2023!
Drop the Charges on the Uhuru 3! Not One Step Backwards!
Build the Anti-colonial Free Speech Movement!
The Call to Attend
There is a powerful new movement afoot. It is a movement that has been brought to life by a revitalized African liberation struggle and the re-creation of a generalized, and essential, multinational unified anti-colonial leadership.
It is a movement that will correct the course of history that has enslaved the world under an oppressive colonial mode of production that spawned capitalism, a system generally known as imperialism.
It is a movement that is penetrating every nook and cranny, every crevice in the political and ideological terrain of the U.S. and the world. And, it is calling you!
This movement will roar to prominence on November 4th, 2023 with the 15th annual Black People’s March on the White House sponsored by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations.
This year’s Black People’s March on the White House is being co-sponsored by the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Fightback Committee along with the massive anti-colonial free speech coalition that was organized during a July 8th conference. The coalition is made up of at least 40 organizations and many individuals spanning the ideological and political spectrum.
Eighteen of those organizations are constituent organizations of the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations along with its organizationally unattached individual members.
The theme for the 15th Annual Black People’s March on the White House is: “Not One Step Backwards! Black Liberation Movement Under FBI Attack…again. Drop the Charges, Now!”
This unifying anti-colonial theme is a demand that stems from the watershed U.S. colonial government July 29, 2022 military attacks on the U.S. front of the African liberation movement in St. Petersburg, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri.
It was a violent attack initiated by FBI agents under the authority of the U.S. Justice (sic) Department. It was an attack on seven properties and homes of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement that it leads.
It was an attack that shut down and terrorized entire roped-off African neighborhoods, in some cases demanding identification from black people attempting to leave and enter their homes during the pre-dawn raids.
Armored vehicles and flash-bang grenades along with assault weapons with lasers targeting the chest of APSP Chairman Omali Yeshitela accompanied battering rams that destroyed doors and broke windows during the FBI looting rampage that stole financial records, archived materials, videos, cell phones, laptops and other communication devices to the tune of $40,000 in damage.
Because the crisis of the colonial mode of production is so pronounced, especially within the U.S., that it cannot tolerate the much-vaunted free speech that is enshrined in the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indeed, first amendment expression of free speech by colonized Africans is apparently feared even more than second amendment rights claimed by U.S. white settlers to bear arms.
The assault on free speech includes the U.S. government claims that the work by the African People’s Socialist Party gathering signatures on petitions to take the U.S. to the United Nations for violation of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was initiated as part of a conspiracy by the Russian government to promote “discord” within the U.S.
They pretend ignorance that our people have agency and do not need anyone, including Russians to explain our plight for us. They ignore the fact that African people attempted to take the U.S. to the UN for violation on the genocide convention in 1952, four years after it was adopted by the UN and 40 years before it was even ratified by the U.S. They pretend to be ignorant of the dictum from the assassinated Malcolm X that Africans in the U.S. should stop taking our case to U.S. courts and bring the criminal U.S. before the World Court.
They pretend ignorance of the fact that the African People’s Socialist Party created the First World Tribunal on Reparations for Africans in the U.S. in November of 1982 in Brooklyn, New York where an international panel of jurors found the U.S. guilty of violating international law, including the UN Genocide Convention.
The U.S. colonial Justice Department ridiculously claims that the Uhuru Movement election campaigns for mayor and city council in St. Petersburg, Florida putting reparations on the ballot for the first time in history in 2017 and 2019 were also paid for by Russians when the 14-Point political Platform of the APSP has carried explicit references to opposition to genocide and demanded reparations since the 1970s.
Of course the U.S. government that manufactured these bogus attacks on the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement knows these are all lies. However they rely on the oppressive playbook they successfully utilized in the 1960s with the notorious COINTELPRO campaign; they manufactured anti-communist hysteria against Russia in the U.S. and fear of the black revolution that even infested much of the white Left, to isolate the U.S. front of the African Liberation Movement.
Terrorizing the white settler population, splitting the progressives and revolutionaries, neutralizing the liberals and isolating the African Liberation Movement was successful in the 1960s. But it won’t work today. In part, because of you!
The Black is Back Coalition’s 15th Annual Black People’s March on the White House is being co-sponsored by the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! committee and the massive Anticolonial Free Speech Coalition that recognizes that the attack on the APSP and Uhuru Movement functions as the proverbial canary in the coal mine.
We refuse to allow the black liberation movement to be isolated and, through inactivity, function objectively as colonial accomplices. We see the intensification of repression in every sector – Indigenous people in concentration camps euphemistically referred to as Indian reservations and barrios and the 50-year lockdown of political prisoner Leonard Peltier; the continuation of imprisonment of children in cages at the U.S. southern colonial border and more.
We see the escalation of the U.S.-sponsored terror waged against Palestinians and other Arabs fighting the colonial project in the Middle East. A kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab is being Illegally held in a U.S. prison, supporters of Cuba demanding the removal of that noble country from a bogus list of terrorism sponsors, spurious indictments of opponents of the Cop City project in Atlanta, Georgia – are all examples of the growing repression in the wake of the July 29, 2022 attack on the U.S.-based African Liberation Movement represented by the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement.
However, for the first time ever, on November 4th anti-imperialists of every persuasion and nationality are marching lockstep in unity with and under the leadership of African and other colonized peoples including the indigenous who live under settler-colonial domination.
You must also be there.
Our November 4th anti-colonial free speech mobilization is a clear declaration by us all: We will not return to the past of defeated humiliation. Not one step backwards!
We are coming by the hundreds from throughout the U.S., using every possible mode of transportation. Some of us will take commercial flights to DC while others will drive and arrive in caravans. Chartered buses will roll into the capital from Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Minneapolis and other areas of the U.S. Midwest.
Representatives of Indigenous people, including organizers of the movement to free Leonard Peltier will be there, a glaring reminder of the protracted nature of our struggle against colonial oppression.
Groups are also organizing for the November anti-colonial Free Speech mobilization from southern U.S. cities in Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Georgia among other locations.
We also see and welcome comrades from Cambridge, New Haven, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wilmington, Newark, Baltimore and elsewhere.
Africans are organizing protests on that day at the U.S. embassies in Pretoria and London. To date Africans and supporters are planning unity demonstrations in Germany, Niger, Venezuela and possibly Australia.
The U.S. attack on the U.S. front of the African liberation movement has sparked an exponential resurgence of the anti-colonial movement. Ideological and political shackles that prevented united collaboration against our colonial oppressors are being shattered everywhere.
The colonial issue is exploding globally. Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Brazil and Venezuela are part of this explosion. The pushback against the revived Marcos regime must also be included.
Your participation in the November 4 Black is Back mobilization will be part of this anti-colonial liberatory explosion.
The growing unity of the anti-colonial free speech coalition inspired the July 29, 2022 FBI attack on the African People’s Socialist Party and black liberation movement are exemplified by these demands around which we are marching:
1.The Hands Off Uhuru! Fightback Coalition demands that all charges be dropped on the Uhuru 3, and for all others who have been targeted and politically imprisoned by the U.S. colonial state.
2. We defend the democratic right of the African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement to advocate and organize for the total liberation, reunification and self-determination of Africa and African people worldwide.
3. We denounce all FBI/U.S. government raids, politically motivated indictments, arrests, surveillance, slander and attacks against the African (Black) Liberation Movement as well as against all anti-colonial movements and social justice, anti-war, anti-imperialist and free speech organizations and movements as exemplified by the attacks on Stop Cop City and the Tampa 5.
4. We demand the right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly to struggle to build our movements for justice, peace, liberation and unity of all peoples. We demand the right to speak out and associate with our allies without fear of reprisals from the U.S. government and colonial state.
5. We demand the release of all political prisoners, including Leonard Peltier, Jalil Al-Amin, Mumia Abu Jamal, Ed Poindexter and many others. Drop all charges against Assata Shakur.
6. We demand that all candidates and political parties contesting in the 2024 presidential and other elections adopt the demand to “Drop the Charges on the Uhuru 3” and other targeted organizations, whistleblowers and individuals.
7. We demand an end to U.S. government attacks on Mexican, Navajo and other Indigenous peoples, Occupied Palestinian people, the Filipino people, African people in Haiti; Alex Saab and the people of Venezuela, and an end to the blockade on Cuba, and demand the lift on travel bans and the designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.
8. We demand the immediate cessation of U.S. funding of the war in Ukraine and that the billions of dollars being spent for that carnage be paid toward the long-overdue reparations demand by black people.
With the July 29, 2022 attack on our freedom movement the colonizer has picked up a big rock and dropped it on its foot. We are uniting. And we are winning!
Drop the Charges on the Uhuru 3!
Build the Anti-colonial Free Speech Movement!