Join the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace, and Reparations for our annual march on the White House in Washington D.C.

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REGISTER NOW “Now is the time to throw off all hesitation, open up new fronts of struggle and to launch every protest, demonstration, and anti-imperialist action – from the ballot box to the barricades -- as an act to deepen the crisis of imperialism. Every protest against police and white civilian murder of our people, every mass mobilization to demand the end to the cruel, bloody economic war against Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Iran, Korea and Russia must be seen as our part in turning the imperialist wars into wars against imperialism! The U.S. and all imperialist powers – new and old – must be expelled from Africa and the U.S. domestic colonial occupation forces known as police must be driven out…

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Turn imperialist wars into wars against imperialism! AUGUST 10-11, 2019–St. Louis

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Contact:  -- 314-380-8016   REGISTER NOW!!! Turn imperialist wars into wars against imperialism! This is a Call to attend the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations Annual National Conference to permanently end the wars and threats of wars being perpetrated on Africans in the U.S. and all the oppressed peoples of the world by U.S.-headquartered white nationalist imperialism in decline. Now is the time to throw off all hesitation, open up new fronts of struggle and to launch every protest, demonstration, and anti-imperialist action – from the ballot box to the barricades -- as an act to deepen the crisis of imperialism. The history of U.S. and European imperialist white power is a history of war and…

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Black is Back Endorses St. Pete, FL Reparations Candidates

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The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is proud to announce our endorsement of  Eritha "Akilé" Cainion and Anne Hirsch electoral campaigns for City Council in  St. Petersburg, Fl. Both are running on the same 10 point platform inspired by the Black is Back Coalition  National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination: 1. Restoration of economic development for the black community through reparations 2. End the anti-black undemocratic rigged election system in St. Petersburg. We need a Real Single Member District Election! 3. End the gentrification of the black community. Create genuine affordable housing. 4. Black Community Control of the Police 5. Create a people-based budget to improve the quality of life in our city 6. Build women’s…

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