Black Is Back member- BAP struggle with neo-fascists at Venezuelan embassy

Watch Video   BAP members Ajamu Baraka, Netfa Freeman and Paul Pumphrey physically struggled today with neo-fascists who were trying to block food the Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. brought to the Embassy Protection Collective. Four bags were delivered, only because police did not prevent it as they usually do by stopping deliveries or cutting rope. Below, you'll see the whole 9-minute struggle. After watching, mobilize for this Saturday's rally at the embassy by organizing a car pool as NJ Anti War Agenda is doing.

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St. Pete FL candidate expects to win city office using National Black Political Agenda

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See the National Black Political Agenda for Self-determination  The struggle for the right of black people in the U.S. to participate in the electoral arena is one that is ongoing. In the 60s, all throughout this country, black people were engaged in a fierce movement to gain equal rights under U.S. law, one of the most important rights being the right to vote. It was a struggle that threatened violence and death on black people, especially those within the deep south, and by the time we had achieved the ability to vote, the U.S. government assassinated our leaders and destroyed our black power movement, leaving us nothing to vote for. The U.S. government wouldn’t stop there. Over the decades, the government…

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