LUI Presents: Punish NOT meant: 24 hour marathon for America’s incarcerated enduring COVID-19

Sign Up for 24 Hour Marathon According to the New York Times Editorial Board, "America Is Letting the Coronavirus Rage Through Prisons". Join Louisiana United International in proclaiming, NOT THAT PART OF AMERICA I OCCUPY

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Endorse the Black is Back Coalition Black People’s March on the White House Black Power Matters: Down with Colonialism! Black Community Control of Police!

CLICK HERE TO ENDORSE Endorse the Black is Back Coalition Black People's March on the White House Black Power Matters: Down with Colonialism! Black Community Control of Police! The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations (BiBC) is calling on colonized and unrepresented people of the U.S. to join us November 7-8 for the Black Power Matters march on the white house opposing the reactionary U.S. agenda being imposed on Africans and others within the U.S. and around the world. Millions of people within the U.S. have been pushed out of legitimate political life by the rulers of this country. The two ruling parties have both put on their ritual shows called conventions, formally nominating their respective representatives…

Continue ReadingEndorse the Black is Back Coalition Black People’s March on the White House Black Power Matters: Down with Colonialism! Black Community Control of Police!