BIBC holds press conferences to “Stop the Colonial War Against Syria!”

On Saturday, April 14, the Black is Back Coalition held a press conference at the Dredd Scott Court House in St. Louis, MO Presenters included Chairman Omali Yeshitela, the founder of the Black is Back Coalition, Kalambayi Andenet, the President of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) and Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Committee (APSC). A similar press conference was also held in St. Petersburg, FL.

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Black Is Back to march in Puerto Rican Day Parade to support anti-colonial struggle and Oscar Lopez Rivera

IN HONOR OF THE LEGACY OF OSCAR LOPEZ RIVERA AND THE ANTI-COLONIAL STRUGGLE OF THE PUERTO RICAN PEOPLE FOR SELF DETERMINATION, THE BLACK IS BACK COALITION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE, PEACE AND REPARATIONS SUPPORTS THE NATIONAL PUERTO RICAN DAY PARADE IN NEW YORK CITY, JUNE 11, 2017. We remind people that this tremendous celebration of cultural pride was born in response to the United State’s brutal oppression of the Puerto Rican people who would be murdered in the streets by the FBI for expressing a desire for Puerto Rican independence and who would be given 10 year prison sentences for merely carrying a Puerto Rican flag, as the US declared doing so a felony. Today’s corporate profiteers and puppet politicians seek to…

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