Black is Back 5th Anniversary – Annual Conference Program
August 16
- Welcome and introduction – 10:00 a.m.
- Why we are here by Chairman Omali Yeshitela
- Marcus Garvey presentation by Ron Bob-Semple – 10:15
- Historical significance of Coalition’s founding in era of Obama and critical tasks confronting Coalition and progressive black movement by Glen Ford–10:45
- Fundraising-membership appeal – 11:15
- Lunch – 12:45
- Panels
- Wars and rumors of wars – 1:45
- The meaning of Ukraine, U.S. “Asian Pivot” and the crisis of imperialism Chairman Omali Yeshitela & Glen Ford
- There is no peace, Africa and Africans are at war
- Free Mumia and all political prisoners – 2:45 Pam Africa
- Cultural performance – People’s Vanguard – 3:15
- Black Resistance in white Europe – 3:30 (Paris, London, Sweden)
- Resist War and Occupation 4:30
- Mexicans
- Native People
- Africans
- Arabs and Muslims
- General presentations – 5:00
- Adjourn 5:45
August 17
Welcome and introduction – 10:00 a.m.
- Explain day’s rules of procedure
- Why we must build and support the BIBC – 10:15 a.m. Chairman Omali Yeshitela
- Membership appeal – winning organizations to the Coalition – 10:30
- Presentation of Coalition Steering Committee and adoption of Coordinating Committee 11:00
- Reports – 11:30
- Finance
- Membership
- Outreach/media
- Workshops 12:00
- Health Working Group Lisa Davis
- Political prisoners
- Mass incarceration
- Police murders
- Reparations – Kamm Howard
- Working with the Caribbean resistance
- Plenary – 2:00
- Local presentations by representatives from throughout U.S. 3:30
- Closing remarks – 4:30 Chairman Omali Yeshitela
- Adjourn 5:00
Though not considered African-American or black, I wonder if I would be permitted to attend the “Black Is Back” conference in Philadelphia on August 16th & 17th? I taught African-American history at the SUNY community college in Middletown,NY from 1970 until 1999. I would also like to make my book,”Blue Eyes On African-American History”(2013)available. Thank you.
Yours in solidarity for raising the questions ignored and suppressed by the corporate media.— Philip Reiss (pronounced Reese)
Of course, you are free to attend the conference. It is open to the public. One does not have to be African or “black” to offer solidarity to the struggle for African liberation. Nor does one have to be African or “black” to support social justice, peace, and reparations.
The Nation of Islam Prison Reform Ministry, DVR support your awareness message on the topic of Political Prisoners and Mass Incarceration. We wish to offer our support to the coalition.
We welcome support from the Nation of Islam Prison Reform Ministry. Forward to Philadelphia and the Black is Back Annual Conference!