As China Moves Towards Recovery, the US Has Become the Epicenter of the Pandemic with the Worst Record in the World and More Deaths Than Any Other Country — Why IS this and How Can We In the Black Community Protect Ourselves and Fight Back?

VITAMIN C PROTOCOL FROM THE SECOND AFFILIATED HOSPITAL OF XI’ANG JIAONTONG UNIVERSITY IN CHINA After 10 days of practical exploration by the medical team and repeated discussions by the expert group, our expert group proposed a specific plan for the combination of high-dose vitamin C to treat the new crown, and achieved good results in clinical applications. Our treatment plan is generally summarized as "early, adequate, short course, combined."   . . . Xi’ang Jiaontong Hospital   Since neither the United States NOR Europe have any standing when it comes to combatting COVID-19 (the US has the highest number of cases and the highest number of deaths of any country, and Europe has the highest number of infections and the highest…

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Coronavirus and the Crisis of African American Human Rights

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"The enemy will come to understand that we will not quietly die. We will not beg their system to recognize its unfairness, nor will we call for the enemy system to somehow “repair” us - its’ victims. " “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.” (Article 25, Universal Declaration of Human Rights — emphasis added)  “We have to make the world see that the problem that we’re confronted with is a problem for…

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The COVID-19 Pandemic: Black People Fight Back! Webinar April 11 & 12

Register Now!   Topic COVID-19 Pandemic: Black People Fight Back! Description Panelist will be discussing the COVID-19 pandemic, its effects on the black community and how we will move forward; stronger and more unified in the face of vicious imperialist attack on the worldwide African community. Featured Topics: - Reparations! Especially In Time of “Crisis” - Black Community Control of the Police - Elections: Role of the African Petty Bourgeoisie Time Apr 11, 2020 09:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register Now!

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