NBPASD Declaration and 19 Points

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DECLARATION A critical moment in our history is upon us. In addition to the traditional centuries-long destitution and political repression that has characterized our existence and distorted virtually all our intra-communal relationships within the U.S., there is now an escalation of police and other white violence directed at our people that demands a coherent response. The entire world is in a state of turmoil. The vast majority of the world’s population that experiences poverty and cruelty as normal features of life is in a state of rebellion. Because the world capitalist system owes its existence to the enslavement of our people and colonial domination of much of the world, capitalism rests uneasily on a fault line of oppression. The historical oppression…

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Black Is Back: Forwarding our own black agenda!

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PHILADELPHIA––For two days, August 13th and 14th, Africans from throughout the U.S. convened in Philadelphia at the First Unitarian Church to attend a historic conference. This conference was the clearest demonstration yet that the struggle for our liberation has reached a new height. Called by the Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations, the conference was a preparatory meeting where African people defiantly established our own National Black Agenda for Self-determination. It was a declaration of independence from the predatory Democratic Party and its partner in crime, the Republican Party. The August 13th and 14th Preparatory Conference was a logical outcome of the seven-year history of the Coalition to win broad unity within our liberation movement with the…

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Support prisoner resistance on Sept. 9th, the 45th Anniversary of the Attica prison uprising

The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations  (BIBC)unites with the call by the NJ Decarcerate the Garden State and the People’s Organization for Progress to stand in solidarity on September 9th,  the 45th anniversary of the Attica Prison uprising, with those who are currently incarcerated who are demanding an end  to prison slave labor and who are also demanding an end to the brutal, horrific injustices of the prison industrial complex.    The prison system has never been about rehabilitation, but is instead another corporate sham, whereby private industries are allowed to own prisons and to make massive profits from the over incarceration of communities of color for non-violent offenses.  And whereby the 13th amendment literally allows for…

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