NO DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE! The Land Belongs to the Indigenous People.

The Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations is based on anti-imperialist principles and firmly stands with our Indigenous comrades of this land in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.  We urge them to continue to struggle and resist. NORTH DAKOTA––The Indigenous people to this land are currently engaged in intense struggle against parasitic capitalist companies as well as the U.S. settler state to protect their land and water supply. Indigenous people of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation are heavily resisting––and have been since the beginning of August––the illegitimate plans to construct the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline is an estimated $3.8 billion four-state oil pipeline that will span 1,172-mile and cross the Missouri River to carry crude oil…

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NBPASD Declaration and 19 Points

  • Post category:News

DECLARATION A critical moment in our history is upon us. In addition to the traditional centuries-long destitution and political repression that has characterized our existence and distorted virtually all our intra-communal relationships within the U.S., there is now an escalation of police and other white violence directed at our people that demands a coherent response. The entire world is in a state of turmoil. The vast majority of the world’s population that experiences poverty and cruelty as normal features of life is in a state of rebellion. Because the world capitalist system owes its existence to the enslavement of our people and colonial domination of much of the world, capitalism rests uneasily on a fault line of oppression. The historical oppression…

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