URGENT! Register for this very important mass meeting to inform the people of the latest updates with this case and to give next steps and action items. With every second of every day it is becoming increasingly clearer that it is up to African people to be our own liberators against these brutal systems of colonial oppression, overseen by the United States.
Furthermore, we can more clearly see that neither of the two parties in the US are going to “save” us or anyone for that matter. The democratic party is equally as atrocious as the republican party. It is the democratic party that engineered the current escalation of attacks against the African Liberation Struggle, as represented by the FBI attacks on Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the Uhuru Movement in February of 2022. It is that party that engineered the attacks against the Stop Cop City protestors. It is that party that has revived the McCarthy era red baiting of the 1950s. And it is the democratic party that is currently overseeing an overt genocide against a civilian population, right before our eyes, as every day the total number of civilian casualties in Gaza rises, with the US continuously blocking all attempts for a cease fire, as it increases military aid and weaponry to Israel. And it is that party that works hand in glove with the republican party bringing wars without end all throughout Africa and every part of the globe.
We must build an anti colonial free speech movement and we call on you to join us. For more information visit HandsOffUhuru.org. To register for this very important mass meeting, go to: handsoffuhuru.og/register.