BIBC holds press conferences to “Stop the Colonial War Against Syria!”

On Saturday, April 14, the Black is Back Coalition held a press conference at the Dredd Scott Court House in St. Louis, MO Presenters included Chairman Omali Yeshitela, the founder of the Black is Back Coalition, Kalambayi Andenet, the President of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) and Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People's Solidarity Committee (APSC). A similar press conference was also held in St. Petersburg, FL.

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The Great, Bloody Black Dispersal from the Cities Glen Ford, BAR executive editor

  • Post category:News

“The grand plan is to reverse the demography of the Seventies by forcing Blacks out of the central cities and into suburbs and small towns, rendering Black people incapable of ever again launching a national movement headquartered in the urban centers.” The urban saga of the 1950s, 60s and early 70s was white flight from the cities, fueled by massive public and private investment in the invention of suburbia. In the 21st century, the racial dynamic has been purposely reversed, as the window closes on Black majority cities—and on dreams of concentrated, Black urban political power. The rapidly unfolding dispersal of Blacks from the cities, like the white invasion of the surrounding hinterlands in the previous era, is the result of…

Continue ReadingThe Great, Bloody Black Dispersal from the Cities Glen Ford, BAR executive editor