Mother’s day march to Albany for the wrongfully incarcerated, May 8, leaving from the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building in Harlem

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Join me, Sharonne Salaam, the mother of Yusef Salaam, a young Black man that spent 12 years behind bars for something he didn’t do. I need your help. On Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016, Justice 4 the Wrongfully Incarcerated will be walking to Albany, New York for legislative change on behalf of the wrongfully incarcerated and their families.  (Please click here to register if you wish to participate).   Some of the legislative changes we seek include accountability for all Judges, Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs), and police officers. We ask for a review of all cases worked on by the police and ADAs that led to wrongful incarceration. We seek an elimination of blanket immunity offered judges, ADA’s and police in these cases.…

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The Debate About Mammograms Rages On. Are they Healthy, or Do they Do More Harm than Good?

In response to an article that was previously posted on this blog negating the so called health benefits of the mammogram, we received the following response from a doctor who was disturbed that we would publish such an article.   She writes: “This article is extremely upsetting to me as a scientist, medical doctor and black woman. Often when we find breast cancer in black women it is fairly advanced probably in part because women are avoiding or unable to get mammograms. Even if this article is a joke, it is one in terrible taste. Many medical procedures use radiation, but we make a calculation about the risks versus the benefits. X-rays have radiation, but are you just going to let…

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A Call to attend The National Conference on the 2016 Election and the Struggle for Black Self-determination

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The white rulers of the U.S. are attempting to frighten or seduce black people to accept the idea that the security, well being and happiness of African people should be determined by the Democratic and Republican parties of Bernie Sanders, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump!

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