Non-unanimous jury scheme:
The men at Angola State Penitentiary take a stand–Referred to during the election campaign as “the shame of our state,” the non-unanimous jury scheme will no longer be used in Louisiana courts, but it was not applied retroactively. So the approximately 2,000 people serving 10-2 sentences will die in prison unless the law can “get all the way right,” … The state is not cooperating and is sealing all jury polling records to hide the truth of the Black lives unjustly taken and still incarcerated by the non-unanimous jury scheme.——
Non-unanimous jury scheme: The men at Angola State Penitentiary take a stand Rally Saturday, March 16, 2019 TBA.—Rally & Court Hearing Mon, March 18, 9am- Louisiana 40th District Court, 2393 Highway 18, Edgard, Louisiana. — Last November 6, 65% of Louisiana’s voters passed Amendment 2 which now requires a unanimous 12 instead of 10 of 12 jurors to convict someone of a felony. While the new law went into effect on January 1, 2019, anyone arrested and charged prior to that date is still subject to the old law even though their trial may be in 2019.–The old Jim Crow 10/2 jury law was just as wrong on January first as it was before that. —Free those who were wrongfully convicted or give them new trials.
Help fight for justice by spreading the word.
Rally and pack the courtroom.
For info contact: Belinda Parker Brown (269)369-4751/Joseph Peery (312)788-0380