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URGENT CALL TO ACTION!!! Legally Permissible, But Morally Wrong: Justice for Kevin Desir!

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Kevin Desir, murdered by the Florida Broward County Sheriff’s Office

Kevin Desir, African man murdered by the

The colonial state of Florida benefits from the marijuana industry, to the tune billions of dollars, but on January 13, 2021, the Florida Broward County Sheriff’s Office (“BSO”) captured Kevin Desir, for having a little bit of weed, then killed him four days later.

Thing is, Kevin had a Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Card that was valid until December 12, 2021, and he’ll never see.

Kevin’s in-custody killing is tragic, and dreadful.

The fact that the state of Florida permitted Kevin to possess marijuana, then turned around and captured him for possessing marijuana is ruthless.

BSO has video footage that shows what they did to Kevin, but Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony, is using an exemption to Florida’s Public Records Request law, to keep the video secret.

Demand Sheriff Tony Release the Video!

Kevin, who was 43-years-old when BSO killed him, is survived by two daughters, four brothers, his mother, and so many other family members, who loved him dearly.


Call, Sheriff Tony’s office at (954) 764 4357 and tell him to release the video, because, although Florida law allows Sheriff Tony to conceal the video, showing what BSO did to Kevin, doesn’t mean Sheriff Tony should.


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